In response to the changing world around us, Christians are searching
for ways to further develop the ministry of the Catholic Church. If these
good intentions are going to bear fruit, if the Church is going to not
only exist, but thrive in today's society, men and women throughout our
communities must come forward and take an active part. As Knights of Columbus,
our primary responsibility is to encourage and promote taking action.
Ministering to the Needs
of the Church
The K of C Parish Round Table concept has been designed to help foster
continued close ties between parishes and councils, especially in areas
where council membership may come from several surrounding parishes. Simply
put, the K of C Parish Round Table program is an offer of service from
the local council to every parish in its area. This service will not interfere
with any existing parish council or organization, since the pastor himself
designates in which programs the council should become involved. Further
information is provided in the Parish Round Table flyer (#2632).
Imagine what the world would be like if every baptized Catholic accepted
the challenge to share the faith with every other person and to live out
the call to holiness wherever he or she might be - in the midst of the
family, at work, in the public sector - wherever we live and work and experience
God's grace.(s)
"Today I believe the Lord is saying to us all: do not hesitate, do
not be afraid to engage the good fight of the faith (cf. I Tim 6:12). When
we preach the liberating message of Jesus Christ we are offering the words
of life to the world. Our prophetic witness is an urgent and essential
service not just to the Catholic community but to the whole human family.
In this statement we attempt to fulfill our role as teachers and pastors
in proclaiming the Gospel of Life. We are confident that the proclamation
of the truth in love is an indispensable way for us to exercise our pastoral
responsibility."(s) |
Some church related activities can include maintaining a Catholic video
lending library for use by parish and council families,.
book and religious suppliers. Recognizing people receiving
their first Communion, council and parish families baptizing children,
support to parish Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) program.
The council chaplain can provide information concerning Catholic doctrine
and liturgy to Knights and their families through a chaplain’s column in
the council bulletin. Encourage council families to set aside time each
week for Bible reading and discussions on the holy Scripture and foster
quality family time.
Some methods of evangelization can involve inviting ministers of local
Christian churches to speak at a council meeting on the history, tenets
and practices of their denominations. The utilization of the Catholic Information
Service (CIS), located at the Supreme Council office. As part of its work
conducting correspondence courses for non-Catholics interested in learning
about Catholic beliefs, CIS produces pamphlets outlining Catholic doctrine
on many topics. #3326.
of Evangelization
Establish a vocations committee for your council. Activities can include:
celebration of World
Vocations Day in April or May; special observance of Vocations Awareness
Week in January; regular prayers for vocations at every council meeting,
family meal and other suitable times; attendance at regular Masses for
vocations; cooperation with the family life committee in getting the vocations
message into homes; and participation in the Refund Support Vocations Program
Possible activities
• Initiate an “Adopt a Catholic
School” program, organizing fund-raising or volunteer support activities
deemed feasible and appropriate
by a committee of council and school officials.
• Plan a “Clean-Up, Fix-Up,
Paint-Up” Day in your parish. Enlist the support of all council members
in donating their services.
• Buy copies of the Sacred
Heart Kid’s Club video program for CCD programs and parochial schools.
• Distribute Bibles and
catechisms to parochial schools, religious education classes and missions.
• Recognize regular altar
servers in your parish with an “Altar Server Certificate”
• Help new parishioners
feel welcome by sponsoring a “Parish Family Welcome” program once or
twice during the year.
Possible activities
• Provide assistance to
your pastor by promoting attendance at all parish devotions.
• Arrange for the celebration
of Mass within the council home or individual family homes to celebrate
special events.
• Sponsor living rosaries
on or near Marian feast days.
• Establish a perpetual
family rosary program under which council families pledge to pray the
rosary at home each day
during a week of their choice in honor of our Blessed Mother.
• Organize a family prayer
adoration to the Blessed Sacrament program with the cooperation of
the local pastor and parish.
Possible activities
• Sponsor a “Keep Christ
in Christmas” billboard. Billboard posters are available from Outdoor
• Create your own Advent
calendar of actions you can take each day to bring you closer to Christ.
Write your scheduled activities
on a calendar posted prominently. Your activities can be for your own
personal enrichment or to
help those around you. Your council can create a similar Advent project
calendar full of small community
service projects for members to undertake daily.
• Promote Advent wreaths
in your council bulletin as a means for families to mark the time of preparation
for the coming celebration
of Christ's birth. Urge members to participate with a wreath in their homes.
• Organize a parish nativity
play, with children from your parish or local parochial school playing
the parts.
• Volunteer to work in a
soup kitchen in your community during the Christmas season.
• Visit hospitals and nursing
homes during the Christmas season. Present each patient with a
religious Christmas card.
Bring a supply of cards large enough that you can give the patients cards
they can send to family
and friends. Offer to help write and mail cards if necessary.