Yarmouth Knights Of Columbus
Council 2181 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Yarmouth Neigbours

Rev. J.C. Thibeau

Knights of Columbus 2181 schedules  NOTE: Date and time changes may not be published here.

At the St Ambrose Cathedral
Food Bank collection First Sunday of each month prior to 4pm mass Saturday &  Sunday prior to 
9am mass  and the 11.15am mass.  (non perishable goods only,monetary donations are welcome)

NOTE: Due to Covid-19 regular activities are being curtailed

At the Columbus Club at 10 Collins st Yarmouth.
Monday Bingo & Lottery -300 weekly draw starting at 7pm.
Tuesday ,Community lunch ,from 11am to 1pm,all are welcomeSecond Tuesday of month:  Monthly meetings:  5.30pm executives meeting, 6.30 supper ,7.30 general meeting
Community breakfast Usually 3rd Sunday on the month  from 9am to 12noon.
Adults -$ 10.00. Youth 12 and under $ 7.00.
Third Tuesday of the month,Knights of Columbus Assembly 1428 is holding a 4th Degree meeting at 7pm ,all 4th degree members are invited.

Community Lunch: Tuesdays 11 am -1pm. Knights of Columbus Hall. Free will offering.
Be sure to get  copy of " Parish Priest" the life of K of C founder Fr. McGivney... Via Amason.comBook Review

Knights of Columbus Ritchie Hubbard Memorial Golf Tournament       

Northwood Intouch: Personal Emergency Response: 
Knights of Columbus Council 2181 assisting in service and instillation.
To find out more visit www.nwood.ns.ca

Blessed Michael McGivney

Knights of Columbus Founder. Apostle of Spiritual Brotherhood. Exemplary Parish Priest. America’s Newest Blessed!

The history of the Knights of Columbus's involvement in community life is a record of outstanding benevolent achievement. Knights volunteer in a variety of charitable enterprises to serve the people and programs of their communities.  Volunteerism informed by Christian concern is the hallmark of the Knights of Columbus. It results in outstanding contributions of time and talent to the Catholic Church, our communities, families, young people and brother Knights. Much of the success of the Order's volunteer record can be attributed to the fact that the Supreme Council does not mandate participation in any volunteer initiative. Fraternal and charitable programs arise at the grassroots level to meet the local needs. 
 New Book on Father McGivney..... Via Amason.com
Father McGivney

Who are the Knights?

The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.6 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people. We are a Catholic men's fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.